Tuesday 1 January 2013

happy new year


hello 2013. happy new year one and all. hope you had a good end to 2012 and now we're on to 2013. how was your new year? what did you do? looking back thruout 2012, how was it for you, overall? well whatever, it is, its a new year and a brand new beginning. perhaps something good is installed for us this year. who knows. well, im definately hoping for good things. 2012 was well, wasnt great for me. i lost my grandmother sometime in august. so i hope there will be no more tragedies or deaths in my family. i think i've had enough.

anyways, im not going to dwell in this for too long. i know that time will heal all wounds and that my grandma is looking upon us and taking care of us from up above. she was such a sweetheart. bless her.

well, christmas was pretty quiet i must say. had some relatives over for dinner. for some reason, there wasnt any ooomph unlike previous years. and new years eve too was just as quiet. i ushered in 2013 with my family, thats about it. no party. nice quiet dinner at home, watched telly and waited for the countdown. i guess none of us were in the partying mood. afterall, we've all been there and done that. pointless to get into the traffic jam in town and loads of people around. i dont really like crowds these days, dont ask me why.

you know alot of people thought that the world would end on 21/12/12 but there you go, nothing happened. all that hype about the mayan predictions. i think they probably ran out of "paper" to write on, thats why their predictions ended on 21/12/12. hahaha .. just saying. but i do belive that one day the world would come to an end. just hope, im not around when that happens.

im glad to say that this trip back home, i've spent quality time with my family especially with the folks coz i can see that they are getting older and i do not know how long they will be around. in a way, i am afraid of losing them. i know alot of us feel like that too. its a scary feeling. what do you do when you've lost a parent/s? as it is, it was hard losing my grandmother what more my parents. thats why im trying to spend as much time as i can with them.

have you been spending time with your parents, if they are still around? you should. never neglect them. they were the ones who brought you into this world and brought you up. of course, when i was much younger, before i got married, i always went out partying and never giving a second thought about my parents. now that im older and married, i know and i've seen, how it is to lose a loved one, one who is especially close to you and one that you hold dear to your heart. you may not believe me now, but one day you will know and realize it. i just hope its not too late. no regrets right?(i've said it before i think).

well thats something to think about this new year. we dont last forever. in fact, nothing does. so, enjoy your life, enjoy it with your parents and loved ones. i hope that 2013 will be way better than 2012. may we all be blessed with good health and well, run into some money. hahahaha...thats always a welcome isnt it?

i'll end today's blog by a quote - success isnt the key to happiness but happiness is the key to success.




Unknown said...

Well said Bev !
Let's have a super duper good 2013 !

bevng said...

yes maam!! i wish you a fantastic 2013 and time for good changes not the world becoming worst then it already is.

Unknown said...

Well good write-up. I wish you the best of everything in 2013.

bevng said...

ty ty lisa!! :)