Wednesday 28 May 2014

time and place for everything


i have a question for you - have you ever seen a family out for dinner or a meal, and whilst at the table waiting for the food to arrive, they are all on their smartphones or gadgets like ipad, ipod/touch etc? you know what irritates me the most is when i look at these people, they dont realize that what they are doing is socially wrong! im sure you guys reading this would disagree with me totally but hey, its my opinion ok and im entitled to it, so there!

hey what ever happened to discussions and chatter around the table? why isnt there any communication going between the parents and kids? everyone is so busy staring into their gadgets that they dont see what is going on around them. and mind you, life would just pass these people by!

i saw on facebook couple months back, somebody sent this video about how life passes by when you are perpetually glued to your portable gadgets. in a nutshell, they gave 2 different scenarios -

1) a guy walking down the street, holding a piece of paper trying to locate a house and then comes along a nice looking girl and he stops her to ask for the direction and the girl kindly shows it to him and then fast forward to see them dating, then getting married, having kids etc.

2)a guy walking down the street, holding his phone trying to locate a house and then comes along this nice looking girl who just walks by him without noticing him and vice versa. why? because he's just too busy checking his phone to even look up to see what is going on around him or who had just walked by.

so yes, what does this tell you? and then very recently, one of my best friends put up on facebook saying that her husband has banned her and the kids too i think, to stop using the ipad after 11pm!! to me i say hear hear! bravo. 

i honestly think that these gadgets are being taken for granted and to the point where its being "abused". do you know what im trying to get across here? its really not cool. when you are at the dining table, put away your stupid gadgets, have a nice meal and do chat with your parents or spouse or kids. god gave us mouth to talk so damn it, talk! 

and you know what else, i would like to share one more story with you here. my husband came home one day and told me that one of his colleagues daughter was so damn lazy that whilst at home in her room, she whatsapped the maid (who was downstairs), to bring her a drink! oh my god! and nevermind that, if she didnt whatsapp, she would ring her own house phone! and one day her dad answered the phone(obviously this girl didnt know her dad was at home as she was busy with her gadget im assuming!) and was very surprised that his own kid who was at home, was calling the house phone! she actually wanted a glass of water to be brought up to her. and so thats how her dad found out about how utterly lazy his daughter was! of course he later gave her a severe warning and told her never to do that again and instructed the maid not to ever bring anything up to her room unless she comes down and get it herself!

so you see where im getting at? people, please for goodness sake, theres a place and time for everything!! would you die without your phone or ipad for a few minutes? would the world end if you just stopped what you were doing? im telling you, one day when your spouse/parents/kids are no longer around and you want somebody to talk to, thats when you know its too late! no more real conversation.

i know i sometimes fall into this bad habit too but when im back at my parents house, we dont bring our phones to the table. we sit down to eat and have a proper conversation like most adults do or any other human being for that matter. i mean come on, that should be the way, isnt it? i dont understand why parents these days allow this nonsense to even happen. from father to mother to kids all holding something in their hands and no one is talking. for realz ok! i have seen this many times when im out dining with my husband. and whatsmore, toddlers are given ipads to occupy themselves! OMFG! this too much if you asked me! 

tell me whats the purpose that people want to that? to show off to others around them? are they that shallow and superficial?or keeping up with the joneses perhaps? is it monkey see monkey do? why not learn the good things instead of the bad? social etiquette is very important and somehow somewhere along the way, it got lost. people behave the way they do which to me is quite sad. they think its so cool and the right thing to do. hey go ask any etiquette expert and see what they tell you. but having said that, these people dont realize that what they are doing is not right at all. there is a time and place for everything!! 



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