Sunday 26 May 2013

shouldn't we count our blessings?


aaah..its Monday again. somehow I managed to live thru another week. a lot of people didn't. everyday I get up, the moment I open my eyes, I think - oh im still alive, not dead yet. so whats installed for me today? - and my day begins. what about you? whats the first thing you think of when you open your eyes?

you know, I try to tell myself well remind myself of my blessings. sometimes we all tend to forget what we already have but instead wanting more and more. as humans, I guess not all of us are satisfied with what we've got/given. don't you agree?

sometimes its not whether its wrong or right, in wanting more. I guess there's a grey line.  it all depends on each situation and how you tackle it. if its for a bad purpose, then your conscience should be pricking you constantly by now. and if its for a good cause, then carry on and aim high.

the other day I was talking to my mom and we were talking about our family and friends taking trips abroad, travelling and seeing the world. oh how nice! I wished I could go too, somewhere. I admit I envied these people although I don't constantly think about it but if the word "travel" "holiday" "vacation" should pop up, there I go again, feeling like the world is on my shoulders. and then I heave a big huge SIGH. cant go. that's the answer, cant bloody go.

its not that we don't have the money to travel but well we just purchased our new home and we aint millionaires therefore we have to  pay the  monthly instalments which mind you, is a bit hefty if you asked me. but what to do. the husband says - "we gotta prioritize! not always thinking of holidaying!! go earn some money first, then we can go..well you can go!"  AISHH!!

and that's when my mom tells me that I should be so lucky. a lot of people are homeless, jobless,  cant even afford to go anywhere, losing their loved ones etc. I know what mom says is true but sometimes  I just don't know. there's a part of me is that is still that little child who is stubborn and want her way. but alas, I have to think rationally about the whole situation and calm down and push the thought away from my mind. ah reality bites.

and you know what( ok, this has nothing to do with counting my blessings, im straying a bit here hahaha), only recently I had a dream that I was experiencing my first snow fall and so happened my husband was in my dream too and I was like nudging him(in the dream of course!) and going "oi oi...its snow! its bloody snowing!" and I was so happy(in my dream ya!). can you imagine that? in my freaking dream I can even dream of snow! yes, I have experienced winter before during my travels but never saw or felt snow!

the other day, my grandmother who is wheelchair bound, told me woefully  how she wished she could walk. but theres not much strength left in both her legs now. I did mention I think in my previous blog that my paternal grandmother is 95! that's why I think I should count my blessings because one day I may not be able to walk or move around as freely as I can.

a very good friend of mine lost his sight to severe diabetes. he has also lost part of his hearing too. back in the day, we would hang out together, a small group of us, going dancing, out for a good meal or just out for drinks. today, he sits at home whilst his wife has to be the breadwinner and support the family. what do you think he wishes for?

theres a whole lot of situations when we all should count our blessings and not take things or people for granted. we should always cherish what we have around us, the people and the things, our pets etc. one moment they are there, next POOF gone.

another example is our body. most of us tend to take our bodies for granted. oh whats there to worry about, we can see, eat, smell, walk, run etc but have we ever stopped and wondered what if one day we lost those things? our senses? mobility? even our minds? what then? lets say for example, you accidentally cut your last finger or thumb whilst cutting a fruit or veggie ok, then when its like plastered up and all and you continue to go about with your daily routine and you realize something, that hey, you do need to use your pinky/thumb. and then it hits you, you've taken even your fingers for granted. isn't it true? or another example is something happens to some part of your body and only then would you realize how important that that part is to you.

that's why I don't understand why on earth people want to have plastic surgery or put tattoos or piercings on their bodies. there are many things in this world I do wonder  about and question. everybody has their own reasons why they wanna do such things. to me its just destroying our own bodies, mutilating it. not respecting it at all. isn't there a saying - your body is your temple - ?

money too can be taken for granted. you think it will always be there. but my friends, think again. even a millionaire or billionaire can go bankrupt!

well go think about it. look at your life and TRY not to grumble or bitch about it so much. lets all try to look at those less fortunate or not as lucky as we are.

ok ttfn


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