basically this blog site of mine are about my thoughts and feelings or ideas about life in general or about music, a person/s, animal/s, food, places i've been or wanna go, my dreams, hopes, family, friends, etc. so really its about anything and everything.
hi guys! how are you all today? for those of you who are reading this and living in Singapore or Malaysia, I hope you will take care especially now that the stupid haze is back with vengeance! never muck around with mother nature I say. cant blame this totally on mother nature but in fact, blame the humans who are causing all this problems.
every year without fail, there will be a haze problem and it usually starts from Indonesia. plantations there start these fires because planting season is over(or started or whatever, hey, im no farmer therefore I don't bother much about understanding all these things..) and they need to clear land for new crops or whatnots. plus there's also illegal burning going on too. and then theres some folks who would take this opportunity to burn as well since the others are already burning so they too jump on the bandwagon.
indeed this breathing in of smoke is really bad especially for those who are asthmatic,the elderly or even kids/babies. lets not forget about our furkids too. im in kuala lumpur right now and the haze has been pretty bad for the past few days. before coming here, Singapore was bad but I reckon kuala lumpur is worst off. here, take a look at this picture, so you'll know what I mean when I say its bad here.
there we go. that's the sunway lagoon theme park which is closed to the public due to the haze. you cant even see the buildings in the distance. lots of hawker centres around the city especially those open aired ones are having bad business because not a lot of people are eating out lately and today, most schools in and around kuala lumpur are closed too. im not sure when they are re opening though. some folks here are praying hard for rain to come. me too!! a thunderstorm or two would/could help some.
Singapore and Malaysia are trying to help Indonesia tackle this big problem but alas, there's "finger pointing" and "arrows" flying around on whose bloody fault it is, saying that some of these plantations there belong to either Malaysian and/or Singaporean companies etc ..bla bla bla.. honestly all this is really sickening and irritating to me. now, would you believe if I told you that one country called another - "childish." i mean can you beat that? and lately the citizens of Singapore are pretty fed up and are voicing out their anger and frustration to the government because, as I've said before, this time round the haze is so bad there. and I also must add that the winds blowing just isnt helping much. seems to be loitering around these parts. *look at my blank expression*
I've been in kuala lumpur about a week now and the situation hasn't really improved. certain parts of the country have been hit pretty badly like in the state of Johor where I think the highest reading of the psi was 700 over. imagine that wow! and in Singapore couple of days ago, was more than 300 over psi. as it is with the mark over 300 psi is BAD but 700 over psi, that's effing EVIL!! how do the people tolerate it I don't know. its totally hazardous to ones health ok!! sheesh folks are told to TRY to stay indoors as much as possible.
by having said that, staying indoors, you can still smell the smoke smell in the air inside your own home(speaking through experience). and your eyes get watery or dry even at times and then some may feel dizzy or nauseous. at the moment, the only thing im feeling is that my eyes feel dry and I do feel a bit nauseous(but it comes and goes thankfully). till today ive not seen blue skies.
I think the ministries from each country especially neighboring countries to Indonesia, should sit down and trash out everything once and for all and TRY to bloody rectify this annual problem which may/could get worst in time(like now). be it illegal burning or peat fires etc whatever it is, just lay it all on the table and have a bloody serious discussion about it and then sign all the damn documents and nobody gets blamed again in the future. geez!
ok ok I know by making that statement, I don't know what is REALLY going on when these officials have their talks and whose responsible for what etc but hey, im just a concerned citizen giving my 2 cents worth. I only want what is best for everybody. cant we just try to live peacefully and amicably with one another instead of always pointing fingers at each other? cant we try to come to a solution and work hand in hand, rather than arguing all the goddamned time? theres already so much evil and hatred around and war going on in this so called wonderful world of ours that we live in, instead why cant there be love, warmth and happiness? sadly, more often then not, its humans who create all this shit.
before I end here, I'd like to just to update you a bit about the haze situation - The air quality in Muar showed a slight improvement with the Air Pollutant Index (API) reading dipping from 746 at 7am to 507 at 5pm according to Department of Environment website. and for Singapore, as of 6pm today, the three-hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) reading was 76. The 24-hour PSI was in the range of 81-97.
well that's that then. until another day dear friends, do take care, please use your masks if you are in these parts and stay healthy!!
p/s do not quote me on any of these ok! its just my opinion and thoughts that im sharing, geez!
arrgghhh...I cant even hear myself think! bloody hell. for the past few weeks it has been noise noise noise, nothing but noise pollution. sheesh! when is it ever going to end huh? driving me nuts!
when I first moved into my new condo there was peace for a short time. then, those buggers go and start digging holes and re-doing the drainage system outside of our condo and I think that they have to do up the entire street. so can you imagine the amount of noise and whatnots going on daily for 6 days a week? constantly you can hear the drilling coz they are "breaking" up the roadside(and 5 foot way) and then tractors going up and down, rickety old thing, non stop and the workers shouting at each other above these sounds. OMFG..please shoot me!
nevermind that, I can hear my neighbours upstairs walking. as if they are stomping around all day long. no doubt its not constant but let me tell you every few minutes you can hear their footsteps. I hear them from my hall and even when im in my bedroom too. like bloody giants walking up there I swear! one of these days, im just going to go up there and give them a piece of my mind...but in a nice way of course. hahaha
so now coupled with all that noise pollution, I live relatively near the main road so I can hear busses , motorbikes and cars going by sometimes. what makes it worst is that some of these drivers will be honking. there's a traffic light at the main road and so I reckon when it turns green, the drivers in front of the lights are probably daydreaming or not fast enough to step on their accelerator to move, therefore the drivers behind them would honk loudly. OMFG! sometimes i can even hear the annoying speeders in their flashy fast cars(or bikes) zooming by, roaring away, not a care in the world. its like "whey hey look at me, see how bloody fast I can go! eat my dust!". bunch of idiots! I swear one of these days they will get into some serious shit accident, which sometimes I think they DO deserve it. nobody to blame but themselves.
im thinking life is already so damn bloody stressful, and then we have all these frigging noise pollution added in to the equation, can really can make someone go bonkers. there's hardly any peace and quiet around. only after 8pm onwards, will the stupid drilling and digging stop temporarily mind you, until the next day, it will start all over again till god knows when. but this doesn't mean all noise cease to stop. I will still hear the stomping of feet from the morons above my unit and the idiots zooming by or impatient drivers honking at the traffic lights.
and finally there's my neighbour with their cute dog, a corgie named rocky, who barks at god knows what. we can hear him daily. but thank god he doesn't bark continuously. and when he barks, you can hear his owner saying "rocky! stop!" or "rocky, no!" or "boyyyyy...noo!". SIGH
sigh. can never win now can you unless I move to the jungle where the only sounds I will probably hear are the wild animals or birds. is there any button (even a mute button will be good enough) where I can press to silence all of this out?
what is time? what is it to you? how do you define time? I have no clue whatsoever. but I heard of that cliché thing that is - time is precious. yes, I know that. but do you all realize that everyday, we are waiting. waiting for something or someone.
I was just having a chat with my husband recently and I told him that I have realized(trust me I had this realization a long time ago) we seem to be always waiting. waiting for a meeting to start, waiting for somebody to arrive, waiting for our flights to somewhere, waiting at the traffic lights, waiting at the hospital, waiting for death....just waiting. and time is just bloody wasted! don't you agree?!
hubby says - "that's why life is meaningless". I couldn't agree more. from the moment we are born, we are waiting for death to come knocking at our door and in the meantime, here we are, sitting and waiting around, going about our sorry lives(don't talk about those who are privileged or with a silver spoon in their mouths) oblivious to the fact that we just don't know when or how we are going to bid adieu to our lives on earth.
sometimes im quite fed up of all this waiting about. for example, I have to accompany my mother in law for her check ups and there we are sitting and waiting for hours on end. my day is just plain wasted, doing nothing at all. sometimes im bored to tears.
and today I was just telling my mom about it too and she told me that I should spend it wisely(huh?? how is that possible?) with the "time" I have left and each day that I get up I gotta thank God for another healthy day and that im alive. yes yes, I do give our Lord thanks but hey, meantime, I still have to wait don't I?
and after we die, then what? wait again for reincarnation?( altho I don't really believe in it). but curiousity gets the better of me. I often think of what I was in my previous life, if I ever had one. where do I go after I die? will I see my loved ones? how will I die? when will I die? aaagghh...all these thoughts run thru my head and I know nobody out there can give me an answer to all these questions. meantime, im still sitting and waiting.
oh well, that's life I guess. its the waiting game. so guys, I hope you spend it wisely and whatever you do, do it to your best ability, ok? make the most out of your life and make it worthwhile when you are still able to. no regrets yes?
hello hello hello. whats been going on with you guys? i hope you have been well and things are going the way you want it. as for me, well, on the job front, i have been doing my bit, by looking in the papers as well as online. now is the waiting game, so i'll just have to sit back and wait patiently. actually, come to think of it, I've been waiting patiently for like 7-8 years now. hahahaha
ok what exactly did i mean by so near yet so far. well, in my humble opinion, there's some difference between Singapore and the neighboring country Malaysia. some things that we all have in common is - our weathers are the same, we have multi ethnic groups living together and the food. other than that, i think the buck stops there.
i must say that actually kuala lumpur is a beautiful city to live in but unfortunately, some parts are just plain filthy. trust me i have seen it with my own eyes. at a market for example, after the stall owners have packed up and gone home for the day, OMG, the pong/smell around the area stinks to high heaven. on top of that, you see flies and rats running about in broad daylight! you can also see fruits and veggies strewn on the ground. yes, there's a road sweeper that comes and cleans up but do you really think he's doing a good job out of it? no way!
now when i go to the market here in Singapore, its clean and its orderly and not all the time you can smell the bad odour. and plus there's usually the hawker centre next to the markets. and that too is reasonably clean.
another classic example is visiting the public toilets. OMG!! you can die in there. its perpetually wet and the toilets are clogged up. i have seen even candy wrappers thrown into the toilet bowls! can you imagine what these women are doing? or even those bringing in their kids into the toilets and letting them throw whatever rubbish down the bowl??
i mean come on lets face it, these people wouldn't even do it in their own home but they dare to do it outside. why? because its not theirs! they don't own it therefore," if its not mine, why should i bother right? im not paying for the damages". yes, that's the attitude of the folks there, generally. i hardly see a dry toilet in the ladies bathroom unless you go to a high end place or mall.
for the life of me, i cant understand why they would want to wet the floor( or their own bodies) in the loo. is it necessary, seriously? nevermind wetting the loo, most of the stalls do not even have toilet rolls!! but you can see the toilet roll holder though. but its usually empty. so, just a warning, do not forget to bring your own tissues or toilet roll along with you whenever you wanna visit the public toilets in Malaysia and i mean anywhere! just in case!!
you know this is a very bad habit of society. it reflects on the citizens. what would tourists think if they saw what i saw? wouldn't you be put off? if the authorities don't put a stop to this and take it seriously, how on earth are they going to attract tourists to come visit your country? look at china for example, people can be super rich or whatever, but they have their bad habits like spitting and littering in public.
speaking of littering in public, the other time when i went to penang for the Chinese new year, as i was driving behind a car, the person from the front side on the passenger seat, threw out an empty bottled water. can you beat that? so blatantly they did it. i was like telling my husband "did you see that? did you see that?" . really astonishing!
over in Singapore, you'll get fined if you litter!! and the toilets at public places, cant go wrong there. relatively clean and usually it has toilet rolls inside each cubicle. trust me on this. of course I've not been to each and every toilet around Singapore, you must be crazy! Singapore definitely is a FINE country. anything and everything you can report to the authorities and they do take it seriously, each complaint made.
like snatch thieves for example. I've seen signages being put up at places where the police have caught snatch thieves and telling the public to be aware. in Malaysia, if you went to the police station and lodged a report of your stolen bag, they would tell you the same old story which is daily they have people coming in to make a report of stolen bags or snatch thieves but nothing they can do about it and tell you to be on your way. unless you have seen the faces of these thieves. many women especially have been in coma or broke their legs, hands, scratches over their bodies .. all from these snatch thieves! police aint doing jack if you asked me. and mind you folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg. i do not want to go into more details which my friends/family have experienced. too much to tell you.
but anyways, these are just my point of view and what i think. that the proper authorities and citizens should work together hand in hand to sort this crap out. otherwise, things can only get worst. (which in my opinion it already has). it has to start from the TOP, if you know what i mean. if the TOP cant control the bottom then how? rules will be broken. i think that the authorities can LEARN the good things from Singapore and apply it especially in the bigger cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Ipoh etc. by taking small baby steps and slowly im sure in time it will hopefully get better, but until that happens, things will ever change.
well, that's about it i guess. im just harping. i know i cant change things. but i know i can do my part which i already am! people ought to change their mentality, their mindset. the world is already filled with filth, death, evil, poverty etc, isn't it time that we TRY to change a little bit, to make this world a slightly better place to live in??? if not for us, for the sake of your kids, for their future.