Wednesday 12 June 2013

noise pollution everywhere


arrgghhh...I cant even hear myself think! bloody hell. for the past few weeks it has been noise noise noise, nothing but noise pollution. sheesh! when is it ever going to end huh? driving me nuts!

when I first moved into my new condo there was peace for a short time. then, those buggers go and start digging holes and re-doing the drainage system outside of our condo and I think that they have to do up the entire street. so can you imagine the amount of noise and whatnots going on daily for 6 days a week? constantly you can hear the drilling coz they are "breaking" up the roadside(and 5 foot way) and then tractors going up and down, rickety old thing, non stop and the workers shouting at each other above these sounds. OMFG..please shoot me!

nevermind that, I can hear my neighbours upstairs walking. as if they are stomping around all day long. no doubt its not constant but let me tell you every few minutes you can hear their footsteps. I hear them  from my hall and even when im in my bedroom too. like bloody giants walking up there I swear! one of these days, im just going to go up there and give them a piece of my mind...but in a nice way of course. hahaha

so now coupled with all that noise pollution, I live relatively near the main road so I can hear busses , motorbikes and cars going by sometimes. what makes it worst is that  some of these drivers will be honking. there's a traffic light at the main road and so I reckon when it turns green, the  drivers in front of the lights are probably daydreaming or not fast enough to step on their accelerator to move, therefore the drivers behind them would honk loudly. OMFG! sometimes i can even hear the annoying speeders in their flashy fast cars(or bikes) zooming by, roaring away, not a care in the world. its like "whey hey look at me, see how bloody fast I can go! eat my dust!". bunch of idiots! I swear one of these days they will get into some serious shit accident, which sometimes I think they DO deserve it. nobody to blame but themselves.

im thinking life is already so damn bloody stressful, and then we have all these frigging  noise pollution added in to the equation, can really can make someone go bonkers. there's hardly any peace and quiet around. only after 8pm onwards, will the stupid drilling and digging stop temporarily mind you, until the next day, it will start all over again till god knows when. but this doesn't mean all noise cease to stop. I will still hear the stomping of feet from the morons above my unit and the idiots zooming by or impatient drivers honking at the traffic lights.

and finally there's my neighbour with their cute dog, a corgie named rocky, who barks at god knows what. we can hear him daily. but thank god he doesn't bark continuously. and when he barks, you can hear his owner saying "rocky! stop!" or "rocky, no!" or "boyyyyy...noo!". SIGH

sigh. can never win now can you unless I move to the jungle where the only sounds I will probably hear are the wild animals or birds. is there any button (even a mute button will be good enough)  where I can press to silence all of this out?



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