Thursday 24 October 2013

shameful things that people can do


I have to share with you an incident that my husband and I witnessed during our stay in bali. now, I did say we stayed at the westin resort and spa right? well, since it is a 5 star resort  you would think that the guests staying there were more mind conscious of what they were doing right, like the dos and donts on how to behave etc. well let me tell you, you would be surprised of what people can do!

nevertheless, here's my short story. over breakfast one morning, my husband and i sat at a table for two. not very far from us sat a mother and son.  im guessing that the mother was in her mid 50s and her son probably between 18-21 and they were both  already seated and merrily tucking in to their breakfast.

I saw the boy getting up and going to have his rounds(god knows how many rounds he'd gone) and he came back with a plateful of bacon, ham and sausages. it was piled high, no not high like a mountain but high enough. the mother, whom I noticed had a small to medium sized green canvas bag on her lap with a big napkin(for wiping the mouth) half draped over the table and half covering her bag.

then what shocked me was that i saw the mother putting some of the bacon and ham onto her plate and after a couple of seconds (her plate was just at the edge of the table) she quickly flicked/pushed them all into her bag! she kept repeating that process until the plateful of bacon, ham and sausages were gone. OMG! and this lady thought we didn't see what she was doing.

my husband saw it too.  nevermind that, I saw an apple on the table and after a while, that too had disappeared. lord knows how many rounds of food went into that bag of hers. hubby told me to check out her bag (as she stood up to get more food) and I could see it was packed because of the bulge it was showing. 

seriously folks, I hope you don't do this in public. its very humiliating as well as embarrassing. you just don't know who is watching you. I noticed also that she was playing with her handphone on the pretext that she was busy and when she thinks that nobody was watching, she'd then quickly pushed food into her bag. we reckon that she has a big Tupperware in there. wondered why she was doing what she was doing and we came to 2 conclusions -

1) either there's a 3rd or 4th party waiting upstairs in their room for the food OR
2) in order to save money , they prefer to "steal" as much food as possible during breakfast so that they can have it for their lunch(or dinner).

I have seen parents from different walks of life taking their kids water tumblers and filling them up with juices and walking away. nobody says anything. I mean that's not SO bad.  the deed was done in the "open" so to speak.

but pushing food into your bag?? come on! have a bit of class. if you can pay to stay in a 5 star resort, surely you can afford to pay for breakfast, if there's an extra person. if not why even bother coming to stay there in the first place right? seriously, I don't know why people do the things they do. my hubby at one point, wanted to  report them to the duty manager but I told him that its not our problem. if these people wanted to behave like that and think that its ok and its their right by all means go ahead, I mean  who are we to stop them right?

apart from these "stealers" at hotels,  I don't know if you have noticed that whenever you go for a buffet, some people would just pile their plates up and  never finishing what they have taken and it goes to waste. it gets thrown away. so sinful!! we have millions of starving folks in this world, not having a drop of water or 3 square meals a day and there we have those who are just plain greedy. not a care in the world. "nevermind, just take, cant finish, throw. its ok". is it really OK to do such things? why cant people be more civic conscious/minded?

so folks, please next time when you go to a hotel and stay, please don't do these kind of embarrassing things. be it flicking food or piling your plate skyhigh and not being able to finish it up. so very wasteful. have a heart for those who would kill to be in your shoes for a day! think of what you are doing.

thanks and have a great weekend.



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