Saturday 28 December 2013

merry christmas and to a better 2014


ho ho ho merry christmas everybody! how was your holidays? i hope you guys have enjoyed yourselves as much as i did. nothing like spending time with our loved ones during this festive period. i dont know about you but there's always something about the month of december that i feel like that its kinda magical and yet slightly melancholy. i dont know how to put it into words exactly. you know its just a vibe, a feeling that i get almost every year end. 

anyways, enough about all that. im back in my home country( for the past 2 weeks) as you already may have suspected so thats why i've been rather quiet in my blogs. sorry about it. i have been really busy! honestly! with all the rushing around trying to catch up with cousins and friends, getting last minute gifts and not to mention all family luncheons and dinners...oh boy. not sure if im coming or going!

 well i dont know if i've mentioned  this to you guys before but i realize that alot of people have just taken christmas for granted. like christmas is not all about the giving of presents and receiving them. its about family, getting together, being united and reflecting on all that has happened throughout the year, be it up or down and learning how to improve on mistakes made etc.  to also count our blessings that we can still walk, talk, laugh, eat etc. unlike a lot of folks out there who do not have these sort of  privileges. its quite sad and unfortunate really. i feel for these people and my heart goes out to them.

as we go about happily with our lives do we ever stop to give a thought about the starving in ethiopia? what will they getting this year? imagine parents losing their kids and vice versa. everyday people are just dropping dead like flies over there and here we are living in a lap of luxury(so to speak) and wanting more. thats where greed, power and envy steps in. i do realize that sometimes that is inevitable because thats how society in general is but seriously why must we keep up with the joneses? isnt it hard to keep up appearances all the time? why cant you just be yourself? why must we seek other peoples approval? why all that bullshit?

you know, those days when i was a kid or when i was an adolescent, i never really given it much thought about the under privileged or people less fortunate than me. my mom always taught me(when i was growing up) to have a heart and that i dont always need to have material things in my life and often told me to think about those who dont have what i have and to be thankful. but you know, when you were a kid/teen, whatever your parents say just goes into one ear and out the other. its only when im an adult, i see things in a different light and perspective. and unless something tragic or traumatic happens to you, only then will you wake up and really smell the coffee. i also noticed that only when something bad happens to you, only then you will learn from that experience. now,if everything runs smoothly in your life(like being born with a silver spoon in the mouth) what will you learn? will you know what sadness is or living in poverty, being jobless? one fine day god may takeaway what you have and then how? what will you do?

thats why i say we should take a step back and look hard into our lives and see how blessed we already are. just take look around. family checked, friends checked, roof over the head checked, food on table checked...the list goes on...we have almost everything. but reminding you once again, theres alot out there who dont have what we are having and wishing that they had something. christmas has been "spoilt" by all these giving and receiving of gifts. spending lots of money on gifts and getting annoyed when its not reciprocated. is that how we are these days? is it all about the material things?

just look at this image that i took off the internet. this should speak in volumes to everyone. and mind you this is just the tip of the iceberg. we all should do something to help. and when we do that something (ie helping others in need or doing charity work) we shouldnt brag about it or "announce it to the world". when you do that, it means that you are trying to tell everybody - "oh look, see! i have done charity and donated x amount of money" - seriously, is it necessary? do you need that kind of recognition? why must you let the whole world know what you have done? just do the deed, keep your mouth shut and trust me, deep down inside you will be proud of yourself and you will have that feel good moment. god will know if your "work" is sincere. you may fool others but never yourself or to god, remember that.

right i have got to go now. i wish you peace and lots of god's blessings for 2014 and may it be a good year for everyone and hopefully things around the world will improve for the better! take care and god bless!



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