Tuesday 9 July 2013

saying 3 very simple words - thank you, please and sorry


you know something, I realized(not recently but I just never bothered bringing this topic up until now) that plain common courtesy can go a long way for some people. what the hell Im talking about here you must be wondering?

ok. very simple. these words - Im sorry, thank you and please. just these few basic words can make or break a person. trust me. I know what im talking about here. for me, its automatic. when somebody gives me something or does something for me, I thank them. like when im in a taxi for example, after giving directions to the driver, I thank him automatically. I know im not getting any brownie points for thanking him but hey, whats the big deal if I say it? no harm right?

or lets say when I accompany my mother in law to the hospital and after her appointment, i would get dropped off at the mrt station, I would also thank her. (one would think that, hey shouldn't it be the other way round?). well it doesn't always work out that way im afraid.

saying sorry too can be hard on people. why? because of their big ego. because when they apologize for something, it means that they are admitting its their fault. that they are the culprit. people just don't get it, that by saying sorry, does not necessarily mean its their fault(although sometimes it could be but sometimes not, right?).  in the end, we just want to diffuse the situation so that perhaps it wont escalate further. saying im sorry is like gold, therefore so hard to come out of their mouths.

hey just so you know, not only men have their egos and pride, us women do too, ok. we are all human beings, so what makes the male species so special, talking about their stupid pride and ego hmm? men are not superior and neither are women. we are all equals. what men feel women feel the same. SAME, got it?

I have also noticed that with some people(I wont be naming names here), they rather listen to strangers or friends and wow....even thank them for their advice or suggestions given. but  there is no thanks given at all to the family members, who has been advising them, being beside them thru  all the thick and thin. come on, how bloody hard is it to say thanks?

these people would rather say please and thank you to strangers, whether you get a reply back from them is another story. there are rude people out there who just don't bother. like lets say walk into a building and as you go thru the main entrance, you noticed there's a few people behind you too so you be nice and hold it open for them to walk in right? I ask you, how many of them would thank you for doing that? more often than not, they think that its your job and you only wanted to do it, they didn't force you to hold the door open for them. what? are you the bloody doorman? 

there's also many times when I would get knocked by elderly ladies zooming by and not giving a toss who they have knocked into. they just stride away. not a word of sorry. or even better,  when their shopping cart knocks into you. completely ignore you. and there you are left standing with perhaps a bit of scratches on your ankle area.

that's why this world is so full of hatred and greed and there's just no more respecting one another or just plain being nice to one another. such a rare thing these days I tell you. what im trying to get across here is that we are AWARE of these words and we CHOOSE who we want to say it to more often than not.

ok for example let me ask you. if you did wrong at work and your boss lectures you. what are you going to tell him?  im quite certain you are going to apologize for the mistake that you have created right? you will own up to it right? but when you have done wrong to your loved one, im also darned sure you wont be uttering those words to them. why? because its taken for granted. you have taken them for granted. "aah, why should I say sorry for? she/he knows me. not my style to say sorry. just pretend and act like nothings wrong"...

touch your heart and ask yourself. how often to you utter those words? to me, if im wrong, I would say sorry. I thank people even though sometimes I feel they don't need to be thanked(but instead they should be thanking me). like I said earlier, it just comes naturally for me.

now finally the word please. I hardly hear this from anybody these days. its very sad. very rare I hear it. don't you think that, if you don't use the word please, it would mean that you are ordering a person around like a slave or something? as if they owed you or you owned them. its really very rude you know. how bloody hard can it be to add the extra word - please - when you are asking someone to do something for you? how would you like it if someone just ordered you around like that?

in fact, isn't all these that im preaching about here today the basic fundamental thing that our parents taught us when we were growing up and was even taught in school? im fairly sure that we all know the meaning of these words and yet why is it so hard to say it?

that's why I cant understand till today about peoples behaviour. from the old to the young ones, there's no more politeness in this world. soon it will be extinct, I tell ya. sad very sad. so my dear friends who are reading my blog today, make sure you save these words inside your brain. lets all try to make this world a better place to live in. one small step can make all the difference. love and cherish your loved ones and do not take them for granted.



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