Tuesday 24 September 2013

BigBang - F1 Singapore Grand Prix 2013


well I did say I was going to put some videos that I shot during Big Bang's mini concert here in Singapore for the f1 grand prix. I tried to upload the videos using the "insert a video" icon, but it doesn't seem to work somehow. I don't know why. and then I also tried to add a video by using the "insert an image" icon and still wont work. oh well, I give up. im not a wizard all these IT shit or whatever.

I managed to upload some videos onto youtube. so now  you would just have to either click on the links below or cut and paste them onto your explorer or chrome to start watching.






there you go. I hope this works and please enjoy the videos. and by the way, just to let you know, I just read on yahoo news that around 35,000 people showed up for this open air concert. daebak!!



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